Ixworth High School is a small high school set in the picturesque Suffolk countryside. We are over-subscribed and have around 555 pupils.
The school enjoys a positive reputation in the community, as evidenced by the high demand for Year 7 places in September 2024. The students demonstrate respect, motivation and very good behaviour in their learning.
The school's vision is to provide a world class education that truly serves those it educates by always reflecting on and addressing individual needs, strengths, and interests. There is a Specialist Resource Base on site for around 18 pupils, supporting pupils with Communication & Interaction needs. Potential applicants are encouraged to visit the school.
The school is currently rated “good” school according by Ofsted, with an inspection from September 2019.
To provide high quality adaptive learning provision under the direction of the Specialist Unit Lead Teacher that constructively evaluates and drives forwards our high standards and student progress across all aspects of Specialist Unit provision and access to main school curriculum for learners within the Specialist Unit.
Support and display an ethos of high expectation and aspiration in which staff set and model challenge and expectation through teaching and interaction with pupils and families.